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South Kitsap Girls Softball Association

South Kitsap Girls Softball Association


| For Parents, Players and Coaches |
Parents, players, coaches and fans represent the South Kitsap Girls Softball Association (SKGSA) when our teams play and practice. The actions of one of us affect the image of all of us. As a reminder, we are dealing with "amateur athletic recreation, strictly for enjoyment... not a life and death matter." This SKGSA Membership/Code of Conduct encourages us to work together to play with good sportsmanship and to treat players, parents, fans, coaches, and umpires with respect. This Code also identifies the possible consequences we will encounter when we do not behave appropriately.

| Treat Umpires with Respect |
- There are no circumstances in which a coach, parent, fan or player should confront an umpire during or after a game. Coaches must engage umpires in a respectful manner consistent with the rules of the sanctioning body (e.g., USSSA, etc.)
- Do not verbally harass an umpire. If you disagree with a call, do so quickly, calmly and let it go. Umpires will make mistakes and it is only a game
- Coaches will be held responsible for ensuring that parents comply with this portion of the Code of Conduct

| Treat Your Team with Respect |
- Softball is not an individual sport - it is a team sport. Bear this in mind at all times
- Ensure that your child/player and all of her equipment get to games and practices on time
- Pick up your child/player promptly at the end of games, practices or other team functions. Do not make the coaches wait for you
- Disagreements with the coach do not belong on the field before, during or after a game or practice. Questions and comments should be voiced later in an adult atmosphere
- A coach's decision about position, strategy, tactics, etc., consistent with this Code of Conduct and the rules set forth by the SKGSA Board, is final

| Treat Our Coaches, Players and Opponents with Respect |
- Whether you win or lose, do so with class. When you interact with others, do so with class
- Encourage each and every player with positive comments
- Coaches are in charge of overall team direction/instruction during play and practice. Parental criticism or advice for other players is usually not well received by the player, coach or the player's parents
- Never criticize or yell at a player on your team or the opposing team. Consider how you would feel if you were that player's parent
- Avoid confrontations or shouting matches with coaches, parents or fans from your team and an opposing team
- Constant yelling is very irritating to the people around you (even if you think your comments are positive)
- Coaching your child or any other player from the stands is not permitted
- Standing directly behind home plate on the outside of the fence and commenting to players or umpires is not permitted
- Alcohol, tobacco, drugs, profanity or fighting are never permitted at softball games or practices

| Treat ALL Facilities with Respect |
- SKGSA is very serious about the quality and condition of the fields and other facilities
- If you are in doubt about the condition of a field, stay off the field and contact a SKGSA board member
- Obey all signage and instructions regarding use of the facilities
- Vandalism in any form will not be tolerated
- Clean up after yourself and your children, especially in the restrooms. Do not allow your children to play in the restrooms
- The softball complex is a sports facility - it is not a playground. Coaches and board members are not baby sitters. Keep your non-playing children under control. No unsupervised children are allowed in the press box, concession stand, maintenance building or equipment building


South Kitsap Girls Softball Association
P.O. Box 1923 
Port Orchard, Washington 98366

Email: [email protected]

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